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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of ouabain molecules bound to sodium-potassium pump when completely saturated Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 1.1e+11 molecules/per mg colon tissue 103029 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Number of ouabain molecules bound to sodium-potassium pump when completely saturated Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 250-300 molecules/per µm^2 of membrane 103030 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Turnover of sodium-potassium pump Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 1320 min^-1 103034 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Amount of potassium pumped through sodium-potassium pump in normal Krebs solution Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 0.444 mmole/kg fresh weight/min 103032 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Permeability of sodium-potassium pump Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 9E-09 cm/sec 103033 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Percent of potassium ions blocked at sodium-potassium pump in normal Krebs solution Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 67 Percent 103031 Brading AF, Widdicombe...
Morphology and cable properties of three reconstructed Purkinje cells Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus Table - link N/A 112114 Rapp M, Segev I, Yarom...
Volume of rough ER in exocrine pancreatic cell Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 249.3 (±25.1 Table - link) µm^3 104667 Bolender RP. Stereological...
Chromosome number (2n) Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 64 unitless 100375 Semba U, Umeda Y, Shibuya Y...
Volume and surface area of pancreatic cells and cellular organelles Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus Table - link N/A 105176 Bolender RP. Stereological...
Calcium levels in dendritic regions near activated input fibers Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus ≤2 - 10 µM 112533 Regehr WG, Tank DW. Calcium...
Increase in static length of OHC (outer hair cell) with temperature Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 0.22 µm/˚C 117137 Ashmore J. Cochlear outer...
Volume of neuron soma, nucleus & nucleolus Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus cell body 12,260µm^3: nucleus 1,660µm^3: nucleolus 25.6µm^3 µm^3 112112 Edstrom JE. Effects of...
Low-frequency changes in outer hair cell (OHC) length that can be captured by video microscopy Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus ≤10 Hz 117133 Ashmore J. Cochlear outer...
Q10 of charge movement of OHC (outer hair cell) motility Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus ~1.5 unitless 117136 Ashmore J. Cochlear outer...
Fraction of energy available to cell that is consumed by sodium pump Unspecified 20 % 106069 Kilburn DG, Lilly MD...
Fraction of total body energy that is used to drive the pumps that exchange sodium and potassium ions across cell membranes in brain Human Homo sapiens 10 % 103545 Laughlin SB, de Ruyter...
Relative permeabilities of the sodium and potassium channels Generic Table - link N/A 105410 J.J.R. Fraústo da Silva...
Chromosome number (2n) Human Homo sapiens 46 unitless 100426 Animal Genome Size Database...
Chromosome number (2n) Mosquito Anopheles gambiae 6 unitless 100475 http://www.genomesiz...